It must sound cliché, but our bodies need water badly and will not function right if there is not enough water in our system.
The human body contains more water than any other substance. Many people does not realize it, but having enough water can actually help in losing weight.
It may not sound true, but drinking the right amount of water has been proven to be a big factor by many studies made. People who understand the importance of water increases their consumption of water as they try to progress in their effort to lose weight. But how does it work? And just how much water should one person take in order to increase the chances of losing weight?
What Makes Water So Important?
Before we answer the questions above, let us first discover the importance of water for the body. It just takes a few hours under extreme exposure to the sun and heat before a person gets dehydrated, and three days straight without water can kill anyone. We all know the general fact that the body will malfunction because of dehydration, but what are the details behind it? Here are the most important things you must know about the water and our body.
Water helps control your body’s temperature. Water helps keep the moisture in your tissues and your whole body which helps it maintain a certain temperature.
Water helps you get rid of the nasty things inside your body, including toxins. The body excretes wastes with the help of water through urination, defecation and perspiration.
Water helps your body function well and transport the nutrients to the right organs in the body.
Water helps in producing healthier body cells.
Water helps in breaking down what we eat and allows the body to maximize the nutrients in foods.
How Does Water Affect Weight-Loss?
It has been long believed that increase in water intake increases your chance of losing weight. Here are some ways of how water contributes to your weight-loss.
The more water you drink, the more calories your body can burn
There is a medical term called resting energy expenditure (REE). This is the amount of energy required for a day (24 hours) by the body during the resting condition. An increase in drinking water helps you burn calories. This can mean that even without any other added activities or changes in the meal, your REE will increase and will require more calories to be burned. Many studies have shown how people have lost some weight by increasing the amount of water they drink without going through other diet or weight-loss programs.
Drinking water before meal makes you a little less hungry
Several studies have shown proofs that this claim is true, but only to adults in the middle-ages and older. Drinking water before meal, especially before breakfast, gives you the feeling of already being full, and so you have the tendency to eat lesser. The effect is that you consume lesser calories and carbs.
Sticking to water intake instead of other beverages helps you reduce calories and weight
Did you know that water is calorie-free? Aside from helping your body burn calories, it also does not contribute to the calories your body absorbs from other food. Many people are fond of drinking other beverages like soda, liquor, and even energy drink which actually have high amounts of calories and sugar, and can even increase your risk of developing obesity or diabetes.
Even if you are not into reducing weight, it is advices for you to drink water rather than other beverages as mentioned above. Aside from being more refreshing, especially when it’s cold, it is more natural and healthier.
Are you drinking enough, too much, or too little amount of water?
Now we answer for the question: how much water should you drink for a day? We used to believe that 8 glasses of water a day is the amount of water you are required to drink. The “8-glasses of water” means around 2 liters of water. This is just a general guideline. The real deal is that it all depends on the individual. Water consumption depends on a person’s activities and health conditions.
As an example, people who have strenuous work or exercise more may require more water intake. Some symptoms of possible mild-dehydration are headaches, stress, or irritability. People suffering from this mild condition may need more water.
Too much water intake is also dangerous and may cause water toxicity, which in some cases and instances, like drinking too much water during contests, may cause death. Remember that if you feel thirsty, drink water. Following the 8-glasses of water guideline may still, after all, be helpful.
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