
Tighten Your Belly in 1 Month With the Plank Challenge


Do you have problems with your belly shape? Are you still dreaming about having 6 packs abs? We have a solution for you. We bet that you have heard of the plank, haven’t you? We also assume that you underestimate the effectiveness of this exercise.

Unlike crunches, which are more common in abs workouts, the plank is a static exercise. However, this fact does not make it easier. What is more, the plank involves the work of a lot more muscles. The main emphasis is still on the upper torso.

The so-called corset muscles are largely exerted when you are standing in the plank position. It might seem to be easy but, trust us, this single exercise will make you sweat harder than a hundred crunches. The thing is that your muscles are always tense during a static workout.

This way they will become stronger in a shorter period of time.

Now let’s get down to the deal. Today we want to challenge you. This challenge is going to last for 21 days so the tasks will be split into 3 weeks. Let’s nail it!

Week 1

Credit: BetterMe

Hold the plank for at least 30 seconds. You can increase it to 60 when it gets easy to hold the position.

Week 2

Credit: BetterMe

Add another 30 seconds to the time that you used to hold it.

Week 3

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

Guess what? Another minute to add!

The BetterMe Team is by your side throughout your fitness journey! Stay motivated and you can achieve your goals. If you are struggling with your motivation have a look at one of our many articles for inspiration.

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