We live in a modern world and lead a fast and busy lifestyle that’s really taking a toll on our health.
Our feet are especially affected – they bear a heavy load every minute of the day, and walking in high heels just makes matters worse.
Millions of women around the world are in bad mood and feel tired just because of walking in uncomfortable high heels, and rarely anyone of them pays much attention to their feet.
Not paying attention to our feet can lead to problems such as fungal infections, varicose veins and cracked heels, which will definitely make your feet look.
Although many women think these problems are untreatable, they are – there are many natural remedies that can help.
A nice and relaxing foot soak is one of the best things you can do for your feet after a hard day at work. Foot soaks can relax your legs and eliminate the odor, while also destroying the bacteria and fungi which might cause problems.
Adding sea salt to the bath is even more beneficial – the salt will tone your feet and raise your iodine levels as well.
Below you can see one such recipe with olive oil and Epsom salt which will relax your feet in the evening and relieve the pain.
Peppermint essential oil
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Epsom salt
Mint tea
A bowl of hot water
Simply add all the ingredients in a bowl of hot water and mix everything well, then soak your feet in it for 15 minutes and rinse with water in the end. We also recommend scrubbing your feet with a pumice stone afterwards to remove all the dead skin cells from the surface.
The soak offers numerous benefits:
Epsom salt baths are probably the best way of relieving stress. This type of salt is rich in magnesium, a mineral that can reduce stress and plays a part in numerous important body functions.
Reflexology is an ancient alternative medicine approach which relies on treating certain health problems by stimulating reflex points on the feet. The pressure points are found on different spots on the feet which have a large amount of nerves, and foot baths will work directly on them.
Foot baths can extract all the toxins out of your body and improve your overall health. A toxin-free system will work far better, and will be far more resistive to any kind of ailment.
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