
This is The Best Natural Way To Clear Your Lungs Of Nicotine and Tar


Smokers, as well as those who have quit smoking, should be aware of the fact that their lungs are full of tar and nicotine.

This article offers a natural way to remove that built-up tar and nicotine. Ideally, the first things to do is to quit smoking if you still do because tobacco smoke and nicotine seriously damage the lungs, and those effects are irreversible.

The following natural recipe will cleanse the lungs  of these tar and nicotine and help you avoid further complications. What’s more, it consists of only 4 ingredients:


  • ginger root (an inch piece)
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • 400 g sugar or honey
  • 400 g onion
  • 1l water

Method of preparation:

Boil the water and add the sugar. If you have decided to use honey, it should be added at the end. Then, grate the ginger root and chop the onions, and add them to the boiling water.

When it boils again, lower the heat and add 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder. Next, just simmer the mix until its amount is reduced by half.  Finally, take the mixture off of the heat and strain it into a jar.

Leave the remedy to cool and then store the jar in the fridge.

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