Dates are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and they contain multiple healthy components which can treat various health issues, including cholesterol, strokes, heart attacks, and hypertension.
Due to the high content of nutrients, dates can provide numerous health benefits, including:
Dates prevent strokes
Dates are a rich source of potassium, which is especially important mineral which prevents strokes and promotes the health of the nervous system. However, a daily dose of 400 mg of potassium can effectively prevent such issues.
Dates regulate cholesterol
Dates cleanse the blood vessels and prevent blood clots. Therefore, these fruits regulate the unhealthy cholesterol or LDL.
Dates regulate blood pressure
Due to the high sodium and potassium content, people suffering from high blood pressure should regularly consume dates. 5 to 6 dates have around 80 mg of magnesium, which is essential for the proper blood flow and is spread through the blood vessels. The blood pressure can be effectively reduced with around 370 mg of magnesium.
Dates strengthen the heart
Soak several dates in water at night, and in the morning, strain them, remove the seeds, and add them to your smoothie or eat them right away.
Dates prevent diarrhea
Dates are high in potassium which prevents diarrhea, since it relieves the belly flora and the intestines, and supports the good bacteria.
Dates are high in iron
Iron is extremely useful in the case of anemia in children and pregnant women. Namely, 100 grams of dates contain 0.9 mg of iron, and that is 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron. Iron supports the flow of oxygen through the blood and has a positive effect on the hemoglobin and the red blood cells.
Dates treat constipation
Dates soothe constipation, as they have mild laxative effects. Just leave them to soak in some water in the evening, and consume them the next morning.
Dates control body weight
The consumption of dates on an empty stomach in the morning effectively prevents weight gain, and since they are cholesterol-free, they can help you control your body weight. Yet, note that they are high in sugar, so do not eat them in excessive amounts.
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