Teacher shares urgent warning after tongue ‘eaten away’ by energy drinks
They can be useful/enjoyable in moderation, but when it comes to putting that many chemicals and stimulants into your body in large amounts it’s safe to say it’s not going to end well.
If you still need to be convinced, you need only ask Dan Royals, a teacher who took to Facebook to share a pretty gruesome image of damage accumulated on his tongue. His doctor believes energy drinks are to blame …
Dan addressed the issue on his Facebook, writing: “Who drinks energy drinks? Addicted to them? May wanna think again.
“Have a look at the 2nd pic ….. That’s what that shit does to your tongue, imagine what’s it like on your internals?
“Up until recently when this started to occur I was drinking at least 5-6 a day (lack of energy teaching kids usually) and I brush daily, went to the doctor and boom! Found out it’s the chemicals in these drinks that are causing it… It literally eats away at your tongue.”
Facebook / Dan Royals
Dan went on to admit that he smokes, but that this hasn’t had an effect on his tongue.
“So be wary guys. Just to make it clear, I actually do care for my oral health but this is purely from these drinks… I do smoke but has nothing to do with the eating away of my tongue.”
Official warning
Indeed, Dan isn’t the first to warn others of the potential pitfalls in abusing energy drinks. Researchers from the World Health Organization told British newspaper Metro: “A study in the US showed that dental cavities can result from the acidic pH and high-sugar content of products such as energy drinks.
“Another study showed that consumption of energy drinks can cause erosion and smear layer removal in the teeth, leading to cervical dentin hypersensitivity.”
As with most things, whilst one or two aren’t going to leave you with rotten teeth or a damaged tongue, misusing energy drinks can be extremely detrimental to your overall health. If you believe yourself to have a problem, we’d always suggest seeking medical advice on how to rectify the situation before it’s too late.
I knew energy drinks could be bad, but I certainly no idea they could do what they’ve done to Dan’s tongue!
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