
Son Ignored His Mother For Years. When She Passed Away, He Looked In Her Coffin And Saw This!


The Powerful Message About A Mother’s Love.

Teenager think they’ve got it all figured out. I know I did when I was that age. It’s easy to come to believe that your decisions are the right ones no matter what. When WCW and WWE professional wrestler, Marc Mero, spoke to a room of middle-schoolers, nearly the entire auditorium started to cry.

Marc runs Champion Of Choice, a nonprofit organization. He talked about his relationship with his mother, alcohol, and drugs. Marc’s message: don’t take your parents for granted, because they could be gone in the blink of an eye. “It’s not what’s in your pocket that matters; it is what’s in your heart that truly matters.” Watch the video below.

Source: Youtube / Champion of Choices

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