
Perfect Boiled Eggs


Have you ever wondered how to boil eggs and have the peeling peel off easily? It is easier then you think!

I get asked for this recipe all the time so make sure you share this with your friends! Everyone wants to know the secret to boiling eggs so that the shells come right off. This really works, I have so many people that use this method and swear by it! Try it out, it is a real time saver when you are making hard boiled eggs, egg salad sandwiches, salads and more! You can peel eggs so fast now because the shell comes right off.

Perfect Boiled Eggs, the Shells Come Right Off!

Servings  6 eggs
Cook Time  3 minutes


* 6 large eggs or you may increase
* 2 tsp white vinegar
* 1 pinch salt
* water to cover
* 3 cups ice cubes or use as much as desired


1. Place the eggs in a saucepan.
2. Cover the eggs with lukewarm water.
3. Add in vinegar and pinch salt.
4. Bring to a full boil over medium heat; boil for 2 minutes (start timing after the water reaches a full boil).
5. Remove from heat cover with a tight lid.
6. Allow the eggs to stand for 11 minutes.
7. Drain the eggs a couple times under very cold water.
8. Cover the eggs with cold water then add in some ice.
9. Allow the eggs to sit in ice water for about 3 minutes.
10. Drain and peel.


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