
Old Japanese Recipe: Do This Once A Week And You Will Look 10 Years Younger


Undoubtedly, Japanese women are one of the most beautiful and young- looking women in the world.

Definitely, the secret of their beauty is a remedy which is old for centuries and uses the benefits of one gift of nature- the rice.

When it comes to skin rejuvenation, rice really does miracles.  Unfortunately, with the exception of the Japanese, most people are not aware of these scientifically proven facts!

It is abundant in linoleic acid and squalene, which are powerful antioxidants that stimulate collagen production, which greatly slows the appearance of wrinkles.

Rice in general is rich in vitamin E and gamma oryzanol, known for its ability to protect the heart and to lower cholesterol. Furthermore, rice also contains squalene, which protects the skin from harmful effects of the sun rays.

This article suggests you to prepare a simple mask according to an old Japanese recipe, which will smooth your wrinkles and give you a perfect complexion! This mask will make your skin healthy and hydrated. Try this amazing mask and see its results for yourself!

Recipe- Japanese rice mask


  • 3 tablespoons rice,
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon milk

Method of preparation:

Boil the rice and strain it, but keep the water in which you boiled it. Rice water has strong antioxidant properties. It hydrates the skin and stimulates blood circulation, helps in removing wrinkles and reduces inflammation.

Mix one tablespoon of warm milk with rice and add a spoonful of honey.


Clean your skin, apply the mask and let it dry itself on the face. Then, rinse it with the water in which you cooked the rice. You should repeat this treatment at least once a week to obtain best results.

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