
Old Fashioned Amish Bread



2 Cups warm water about 110-120 degrees

⅔ Cups white sugar

1½ Tablespoons yeast

1½ Teaspoons salt

¼ cup vegetable oil

6 cups flour


Place sugar and water in bowl

Sprinkle with yeast and let dissolve 5-15 minutes

Add salt, oil and half the flour mix together.

Add remaining flour. Change to dough hook and mix till its pulling away from the sides.

Pull out onto lightly floured surface and knead shortly

Place in greased bowl flipping to cover both sides.

Top with saran wrap or damp warm towel

Set aside in draft free area and let rise till doubles in size. About 1 hour

Remove cover and punch down.

Lay out on lightly floured surface and cut in half.

Flaten out into rectangle and “jelly” roll into a loaf.

Pinch ends together and place in greased 9×5 bread pans.

Repeat with other half.

Cover and let rise till double in size about 30-50 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Once double in size bake for 25-30 minutes.

Pull out and brush top with butter.

Let rest 10 minutes before removing to cooling rack.

*Bakers notes: I’ve decreased the sugar down to ¼ cup or ⅓ cup instead of using full amount.

I’ve also cut the oil down to 2 Tablespoons and substituted the oil for butter.

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