The majority of you probably regard purslane as a useless weed, but this article will reveal some interesting facts about it.
Its leaves provide fantastic health benefits, so next time you want to pull it and throw it away, you should have that in mind. Purslane is high in vitamins and minerals which boost the overall health, and the high amounts of iron and calcium support bone health.
Its seeds are extremely strong, and the plant may survive over 25 years, meaning that it significantly strengthens the immune system.
This weed includes the most vitamin A than all green leafy vegetables, which prevents cancer, and is abundant in Omega-3 fatty acids, so it effectively prevents heart diseases and stroke. Moreover, it is free of GMO.
Regarding all this, you should consider including it into your regular diet. Its leaves have delicious lemony taste and crunchy texture. Therefore, you can replace spinach with it, and include it in various recipes.
You can add it to salads and sandwiches, and since it is also rich in proteins, it will boost your energy levels and strength. Purslane also reduces the risk of developmental disorders in children, like autism, and ADHD.
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