Nowadays, pharmacies offer various medications for almost all diseases and health issues. Yet, most of these medicines are loaded with chemicals and may cause severe harsh effects.
When it comes to pain, numerous people decide to take painkillers as soon as possible and soothe it, which is not a permanent and healthy solution to the problem. Therefore, always try to find a way to replace these drugs and synthetic treatments with a healthier alternative.
Today, we will suggest a natural remedy which will efficiently soothe pain in several weeks. Its main ingredient is gelatin, which can be of great help in the case of rheumatism, joint pain, and arthritis, especially in elderly people.
This animal product is the base of the tendons, bone, and cartilage, and is obtained by the collagen hydrolysis . Gelatin is also consumed in foods like dairy, meat, jellies, and even gummy candy, under the name E441.
The production of collagen is affected by the aging process, and the microfibers in the body become interconnected, causing reduced flexibility, pain and troubles moving. Due to this, older people need more time to warm their bodies, and cannot regularly perform physical activities.
Hence, the use of gelatin and its properties in the remedy will provide amazing effects in the case of these health issues.
All you need to do is to purchase a high-quality gelatin, either with or without sugar or flavors. Then, just add a tablespoon to a glass of water. You may also add it to a glass of yogurt or some fresh juice. If the mixture becomes too thick due to the gelatin, use a spoon to stir it well.
Another option is to add gelatin to your milk and cereals. You should consume this natural remedy every night, before going to sleep. In the case of a severe ailment, consume it twice daily.
In only one week, the pain will be completely gone, and your mobility will be dramatically improved. Continue with the gelatin treatment for 4-6 weeks.
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