
How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus Using Tea Tree Oil


 Nail fungus is a common infection which gets in through your nail’s cracks or cuts in your skin. This condition changes the thickness and color of your nail.

There are various causes for nail fungus, ranging from excessive sweating to low immune system and diabetes. Luckily, there’s a way you can treat this infection at home.

All you need is the antifungal tea tree oil which targets and kills the fungus located deeply into the skin.

What’s more, it improves the quality of the skin, making it even more beneficial. Some say tea tree oil is as effective as prescribed medications.

We present you the best ways to use this oil to treat nail fungus.

Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil Topically

Topical application of this oil can lower the infection and prevent it from further growing. The usual way to use it for the nail fungus treatment is to apply it topically on the nails and leaving it rest.

The proper way to do this is to stir in three drops of tea tree oil in one tablespoon of water. Apply the solution to the affected area using a cotton ball and leave it to dry naturally. Then, wash with water and pat it dry with a towel. Do this treatment once daily.

As an alternative, you can combine this oil with other essential oils and use it topically.

Here are the most potent tea tree oil combinations for the treatment of nail fungus:

1. Tee Tree Oil & Olive Oil

Mix equal parts of tea tree oil and olive oil made from leaf extract, ozonated olive oil, or virgin olive oil. Apply the mixture once daily until the infection is gone completely.

2. Tea Tree Oil & Calendula Flowers & Garlic

The antimicrobial properties of calendula flowers together with the antifungal effects of garlic can boost the effectiveness of tea tree oil for treating nail fungus.

Heat three teaspoons of olive oil over low heat and ten shredded calendula leaves. Then, add four garlic cloves and leave the mixture to simmer for about seven minutes.

Remove from heat and strain. Let the mixture stay overnight, and the next day add one tablespoon of vitamin E oil and three teaspoons of tea tree oil. Your natural remedy for nail fungus is ready. Apply it up to three times a day.

3. Tea Tree Oil & Lavender Oil

The antiseptic properties of lavender essential oil make it great for the treatment of nail fungus as it helps stop it from further growing.

Mix equal amounts of lavender and tea tree oil and apply it on the affected are once a day until the fungus is gone.

4. Tea Tree Oil & Lavender Oil & Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a great combination that is helpful in cases of moderate to severe nail fungus.

Mix four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with ten drops of lavender oil and six drops of tea tree oil in a dark bottle. Make sure you mix it well by shaking the bottle, and then add 1/8 cup of rose water or distilled boiled water. Once again, shake the bottle, and you can start using the remedy. Apply the combo up to four times a day.

Once again, shake the bottle, and you can start using the remedy. Apply the combo up to four times a day.

5. Tea Tree Oil & Neem Oil

Neem oil provides powerful antifungal antibacterial, and antiseptic properties, all of which are helpful in the treatment of nail fungus.

Add two drops of both, neem oil and tea tree oil to a tablespoon of extra virgin oil. Then, apply the solution on the affected area twice per day.

6. Tea Tree Oil & Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids which disintegrate the fungus, thus lowering the infection. What’s more, it improves the quality of the skin acting as a natural moisturizer.

Mix ¼ cup of coconut oil with 15 drops of tea tree oil in a glass container. Mix it well and leave it to solidify. The best time to use this remedy is right after a shower and before bedtime. Apply it on your infected nails two to three times daily until the fungus is completely gone.

Apply it on your infected nails two to three times daily until the fungus is completely gone.

7. Tea Tree Oil & Mustard Oil

The antimicrobial properties of mustard oil can help treat mild to moderate fungus infections.

Mix one tablespoon of mustard oil with three drops of tea tree oil, and apply the solution on the affected area, twice a day.

8. Tea Tree Oil & Oregano Oil

Carvacrol is a powerful antifungal substance found in oregano oil.

Combine three tablespoons of coconut oil with 30 drops of oregano oil and 30 drops of tea tree oil. Apply it on your nails once daily until the infection disappears.

9. Tea Tree Oil & Aloe Vera Gel

You can treat your nail fungus with a combination of tea tree oil and the antifungal Aloe Vera gel.

For this remedy, you need one part of fresh Aloe Vera Gel and three parts of tea tree oil. Apply the remedy on your nails once a day.

10. Tea Tree Oil & Baking Soda

The antifungal properties of baking soda help balance the pH levels in the area affected by nail fungus.

Mix three drops of each, sage, basil, and tea tree oil and two teaspoons of baking soda and two more of arrowroot powder.

Apply the remedy on the affected area, put on socks, and let it stay for 20 minutes. Then, rinse it off. Do this once per day.

11. Tea Tree Oil & Lemon Juice

Lemons provide antifungal and antiseptic effects which are of great help in the treatment of nail fungus. The citric acid it contains prevents the fungal infection from growing.

Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add two drops of tea tree oil. Apply the solution on your nails up to twice a day.

12. Tea Tree Oil & Cornstarch

One of the possible causes for nail fungus is excess sweating. So, spending most of the day in shoes can cause or worsen such infection. Luckily, cornstarch can soak up the moisture from your shoes and socks, thus keeping your feet dry.

Mix four tablespoons of cornstarch with ten drops of lavender oil and 15 drops of tea tree oil in a zip lock bag. Shake the bag after closing it, and let it stay for one day. Then, apply the mixture on the nails once a day and put on your socks.

13. Tea Tree Oil & Pau d’Arco

Have you ever heard about the herb called Pau d’Arco? Well, it turns out it is a powerful antifungal agent which helps prevent nail fungus from growing.

Combine two tablespoons of Pau d’Arco tincture with eight tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, ¼ teaspoon of tea tree oil, 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint oil, and ¼ teaspoon of lavender oil.

Dip a cotton ball in the solution and apply it on the affected area. Hold it for about 20 minutes and then pat it dry. Do this three times daily.

14. Tea Tree Oil & Camphor Oil

This oil has potent antifungal effects.

Mix four tablespoons of coconut oil with two drops of camphor oil and three drops of tea tree oil in a glass container. Mix well and shake before applying it on the infected nail. Repeat up to four times daily.

15. Tea Tree Oil & Rubbing Alcohol

You can combine tea tree oil with rubbing alcohol due to its ability to make a sterile environment. This makes it ideal for treating fungal infections.

Add ten drops of grapeseed oil and twenty drops of tea tree oil to two tablespoons of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Shake it well and spray it on the nails once daily. You can use the solution to scrub the affected area and make it clean.

Soaking with Tea Tree Oil

Another option to treat your nail fungus is to soak the affected area in it and let the oil get absorb deep into your skin. You can use pure tea tree oil or a combination with another essential oil.

After soaking your nails in the oil it is good to give a good scrub to the affected area to exfoliate the skin and eliminate the dead cells. First, fill a bowl with warm water and add six drops of tea tree oil. Soak your nails for 30 minutes and then pat them dry with a towel.

As an alternative, use apple cider vinegar in combination with tea tree oil in the following way:

Fill a bowl with water and pour in a cup of apple cider vinegar. Soak your nails in the solution and let them dry. Then, rub some diluted tea tree oil on the infected nails and let them dry.

Another option is to combine the oil with the vinegar and apply the solution on the affected area. Do this treatment twice per day.

Scrubbing with Tea Tree Oil

Scrubbing the area with nail fungus with tea tree oil aids and speeds up the recovery process.

Use pure tea tree oil or in combination with some other essential oil in the following manner:

Mix one tablespoon of water with three drops of tea tree oil. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected area and let it dry completely. Try to scrub the nail clean as much as you can using a toothbrush. Finally, rinse with water. Do this on a daily basis.

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