Many nutritionists advise against the consumption of various kinds of breads on a daily basis. The reasons are as follows:
- Bread can mess up blood sugar levels: Most breads contain Amylopectin-A, a component of starch which has been scientifically shown to promote insulin-resistance and increase the risk of diabetes type II.
- Highly addictive: Bread is difficult to give up as gives a feeling of euphoria, making the person want to eat more of it.
- It is mucus-forming: This affects the respiratory system as it clogs and blocks the airways.
- It contains gluten: While eating gluten once in awhile is fine, many people these days show signs of gluten sensitivity.
- It makes the stomach work harder: The combination of starches and gluten is difficult to digest, causing various digestive complaints.
- It has low nutritional value: During the manufacturing process, most of the nutrients are lost.
- Contains phytates: These anti-nutrients disrupt the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
- It is acid forming: Most breads are acid forming.
Is sourdough bread healthy?
1. It contains wild yeast and good bacteria (Lactobacillus)
These ingredients predigest the starches, meaning that they diminish the workload of the digestive system. In addition, lactobacilli stimulate the production of lactic acid, which in turn inhibits the negative effects of phytates.
Lactic acid also prevents sugar spikes because it slows down the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Given that it lowers the GI of bread, the person is less prone to increased blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia.
2. It is overloaded with nutrients
Sourdough bread is packed with niacin, thiamin, folate, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, and manganese. As an added bonus, sourdough is toxin-free as its acetic acid content inhibits the growth of mold.
3. It is safe for the gluten-intolerant individual
The fermentation process allows the good bacteria to break down the gluten proteins, making the bread beneficial or at least tolerable for gluten-sensitive individuals.
Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter Recipe
Mix half a cup of flour with half a cup of filtered water in a bowl. At least two times daily for the next six days, add half a cup of flour and half a cup of filtered water to the already prepared starter. When the starter becomes bubbly, you are ready to make the bread.
Gluten Free Sourdough Bread Recipe
- 2 cups gluten free sourdough starter
- 4 large eggs, lightly whisked
- ⅔ cup water
- 1 cup tapioca flour
- 1 cup millet flour
- 1½ cup sorghum
- 1 cup oat flour
- 1 Tbsp salt
- ⅓ cup oil or softened butter
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 2 Tbsp xanthan gum
- Mix the starter, eggs, and water in a large bowl
- In another bowl, mix the flours, salt, sugar, and xanthan gum.
- Add the butter/ oil to the dry mixture and mix until fully combined
- Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ones and make sure you do it gradually. You should pour in a cup at a time and mix as you go.
- Let the dough sit for a few hours
- Place the dough on a parchment paper and let it rest for additional few hours
- Preheat the oven and slice the top of the bread a few times before placing in into the pan
- Bake for fifteen minutes
- Remove the cover and bake for additional twenty minutes
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