The popular chef Jamie Oliver won a victory against the biggest fast food chains on the planet McDonalds, after providing a relevant proof that their hamburgers contain numerous unhealthy ingredients.
Due to this, the fast food chain decided to announce that they will alter the recipe. Yet, not a single mainstream medium reported this publicly.
Jamie Oliver attempted to shed a light on this fact for years, in interviews, television shows, and documentaries. He stated that the fatty parts of the beef are in fact “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of these burgers.
The presenter stated that this makes them unfit for human consumption. Oliver states that “Basically, we’re taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.”
Despite the fact that it reduces the quality of the meat in the burger, the ammonium hydroxide is detrimental to health, and this famous chef named the process “the pink slime process.”
This ingredient is believed to be a part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, so consumers are not even aware that they are ingesting this harmful chemical.
Oliver asked- “Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” In one of his numerous demonstrations, he showed the process of production of nuggets, in which the remains of the chicken are processed and fried, while the best parts are removed.
Yet, the company Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager for McDonalds in Latin America, replied that they did not use this same practice in their area, which applies t the products in the UK and Ireland, where burgers are made from meat purchased from local suppliers.
The use of ammonia in the products has been abandoned in the United States, by Burger King and Taco Bell. In the food industry, this dangerous chemical is used as an anti-microbial agent in meats, creating an opportunity for McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”
The company, on their official website, commented that their meat is sold cheaply since they purchase it at a lower price, and they still offer the best quality products.
However, now, when we are aware of the “pink slime”, how come they do not offer the same quality in Latin America and Europe?
The campaign of Jamie Oliver has opened numerous other questions which unfortunately are left unanswered by the franchise.
They even deny that their decision to change the recipe is due to the discovery of the famous chef, but they have officially admitted that they no longer use the beef filler for the burger fatties.
The reality is that the efforts of Oliver are mostly with the aim to raise the awareness of the general public, as we are responsible for our own health. Regardless of the approach of the company that produces our food, we need to know better and do better in order to avoid severe consequences on our wellbeing.
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