I love cooking meat with cola, it adds a beautiful flavor to it. This mesquite roast is amazing, it takes no time to prepare and the result is magnificent! Check it out.
You’ll Need:
1 (2-3 lb) of chuck roast.
6 ounces of cola.
1 (1 1/16 ounce) package of mesquite marinade.
¼ cup of water.
How to:
In the crock pot , place the chuck roast and pour the cola over it.
In a bowl, mix together the water and the mesquite marinade and add to the crock pot.
Cook on low for 8 hours and Voila!
Simple, easy and delicious! The mesquite marinade makes this chuck roast really delicious. So little ingredients and yet an amazing meal! Give it a shot, you’ll thank me later.
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