The French do not recognize ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) rejecting the idea that medicines that are usually prescribed for the condition are at all helpful.
These two very different cultures have different ADHD levels in children, in America the rate is 19 percent, and in France, it’s .5% – a half of a percent. For that half percent, the treatment includes no chemical or medicine whatsoever, opting for older fashioned methods.French children are subjected to much less sugar and additive-laden foods. Sugary cereals, fast food and fizzy drinks are consumed in much less volume than in the U.S, they are not shown the same advert driven television programs and lead an altogether more simple life.
In 1998, Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn of the Royal College of General Practitioners said, “ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction”. One of the founding fathers of ADHD as a medical psychiatric disorder, Leon Eisenberg, confessed on his deathbed in 2009 at the age of 87, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” The evidence is overwhelming that the ‘treatment’ for this ‘condition’ is a fraud.
Cognitive therapy was traded in for drugs a long time ago. Doctors are urged to write prescriptions as the government and BigPharma are in it together….
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