Artificially sweetened, carbonated drinks have detrimental effects on our overall health and this is a fact that many of us choose to ignore. Drinking coca cola will destroy your teeth and bones, and make you extremely fat and unhealthy.
Yes, this drink is know for having high sugar, sodium and caffeine, which dehydrates the body and over a long period of time can cause chronic dehydration.
It is also really bad for your teeth. In fact, drinking it regularly causes plaque to build up on the teeth and can lead to cavities and gum disease.
Carbonated soft drinks are the children’s favorite drink and when we let them consume it, we’re allowing them to poison their organism.
Extensive research has been done on the subject, trying to figure out the exact effect it has on our body and here’s what has been determined:
The first 10 minutes
One cup contains 10 tablespoons of sugar, which is 100% of the daily permissible dose. In the body is entered phosphorus, which strengthens the taste.
After 20 minutes
There is an increase of glucose and insulin, which leads to the conversion of sugar to fat in the liver
After the third 40 minutes
The caffeine in the drink is completely absorbed by the body within a period of 40 minutes. Blood flow increases and the liver begins to produce more sugar in the blood. Your brain begins to block the hormone receptors of adenosine, which prevents the feeling of fatigue.
After 45 minutes
Secretion of dopamine increases, which significantly affects that you feel good and this effect is similar to that which gives heroin.
Around 60 minutes
Magnesium, phosphoric acid, zinc and calcium leads to an increased digestion. This is connected with the massive amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners, which limit the excretion of calcium through the urine.
After 60 minutes
Diuretic properties of caffeine start to act and all minerals, including magnesium, calcium and zinc, which are useful for the bones, then excreted in urine.
After a little more than an hour.
Dissemination of sugar in the body is in the final stage. You feel full of energy and you can expect frequent mood changes.
Together with the carbonated drinks, the body exerts all the water and nutrient particles, necessary for the functioning of the organism.
Finally, the risk of developing diabetes increases significantly.
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