
6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And Making You Fat (And How To Stop It)


As you probably already know, the liver is an important organ as it transforms toxins into waste, which the body then removes through urine and feces. This is a rather demanding function as nowadays, our way of life is full of toxins. Unfortunately, as the time passes by, the liver can become sluggish and overwhelmed and this usually results in the inability to eliminate toxins properly. Instead, it stores them in fat cells, mostly in the belly area.


Fatty liver disease is caused by an excess of fat in the liver. The liver is a naturally fatty organ, so there should be some fat in the liver at all times. But when the fat in the liver counts for more than 5% to 10% of the total weight of the liver, fatty liver disease results.

There are two types of fatty liver disease: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholic liver disease is the result of overindulgence in alcoholic beverages while the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the result of non-alcoholic factors, like high cholesterol or genetics. The following symptoms may indicate a liver in need of detoxification. Let’s take a look:


When your liver doesn’t work 100% on removing toxins from the body, reducing calories and regular workout won’t be of much help as the body stores the unfiltered toxins in its fat cells. Moreover, as the liver is responsible for metabolizing fat, when it doesn’t function properly, fat will circulate from the gut through the bile and back to the organ.

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A healthy liver creates antibodies which attack allergens. However, when its functioning decreases, the body stores those allergens. The brain responds by producing histamine, a chemical which marks the allergens for removal. Excessive buildup of histamine leads to allergy symptoms like itchiness, fogginess, and headaches.

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