More than 700 000 people suffer a heart attack in the USA annually.
It is a condition which can be detected early, and can be avoided with some lifestyle and diet changes that will prevent this often fatal disease. The condition if most often caused by clogged arteries.
Here are some symptoms of an impending heart attack:
Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of clogged arteries
Clogged arteries in the pelvis may cause erectile dysfunction as a sign of an impending heart attack. There are 3-5 years on average between the erectile dysfunction and the onset of coronary artery disease, leaving you with enough time to prevent it.
Baldness is a sign of clogged arteries
According to a recent study that included 37 000 men, baldness is a sign of silent coronary artery disease in men of any age.
Ear crease may be a symptom of clogged arteries
Although strange, ear crease has been recognized as a symptom of clogged arteries in many studies. It occurs due to poor circulation in the arteries.
Pain in the calf while walking
A condition called atherosclerosis can block the leg arteries before a coronary artery disease, especially in smokers. If you notice pain in your calf while walking, consult with your doctor immediately.
To prevent this problem, you must eat a healthy, plant-based diet, avoid animal products and do some regular physical activity. This will help you relieve the pain in the calf and unclog the arteries. If you have experienced any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should check your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and fasting glucose to determine if they are a sign of coronary artery disease.
Consult with your doctor about the proper tests for heart disease.
Natural remedies for clogged arteries
B vitamins
The vitamins from the B group can reduce the arterial thickness similar to the effect of niacin or folic acid. Make sure you get these vitamins from natural sources instead of the synthetic supplements that have swarmed the market recently.
Garlic is a real life-saver – it is a powerful vegetable that can reduce the plaque build-up in the arteries and prevent many serious diseases.
This amazing fruit can reduce the plaque build-up in the arteries and provides numerous health benefits.
Fermented cabbage
Kimchi is a popular Korean recipe which consists of fermented cabbage, hot peppers and fermented fish. This powerful remedy can remove the toxins from the body and reduce the damage they have done.
This is an amino acid that can prevent arterial thickening. Providing your body with enough L-Arginine will address the underlying issues that are related to cardiovascular diseases.
Turmeric is incredibly healthy thanks to its active compound, curcumin. This polyphenol offers numerous health benefits and protects the cardiovascular health, while preventing the damage caused by blocked arteries.
Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are one of the most underrated super food in the world. They offer powerful protection against cardiovascular diseases and are a great choice for prevention of atherosclerosis.
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