Weight Watchers members can always spot each other, and not just by their increasingly svelte physiques.
1. Your friends know you always have snacks stashed in your purse just in case.
Alix McAlpine / BuzzFeed
Anyone need a carrot?
2. You’re in a deeply committed relationship with your pedometer.
PBS / pbsdigitalstudios.tumblr.com
And have been known to self high-five when you hit your steps goal before sundown.
3. You know exactly how many ounces of chicken fit in the palm of your hand.
4. And you’ve figured out how to include exercise into every space you spend time in.
Austin Spine and Sport / CC / Via youtube.com
Even at the doctor’s office — why not?
5. You’ve considered walking a few extra miles for wine…
Bravo / realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
I’ll take that there point swap, thank you!
6. …or for a little reward when you deserve it the most.
7. You have a special lightweight outfit set aside for your weigh-in day each week.
BrightNewtwork / CC / Via youtube.com
OK, maybe NOT that lightweight.
8. You know the feeling of pure bliss after having all your work lunches figured out ahead of time.
9. You’ve grown accustomed to people asking « can you really eat that? »
Beatriz Da Costa / Getty Images
Yes, that’s chocolate chip cheesecake. And yes, you can have the recipe.
10. You find yourself doing things you thought were impossible effortlessly.
Well, almost.
11. You find yourself talking to strangers about how amazing spaghetti squash really is.
Milkybuzz / CC / Via youtube.com
« It’s just like spaghetti. But it’s squash! No, really! »
12. Light whipped topping is basically your boyfriend at this point.
volkan sengor / Getty Images
You’ve found a million and one ways to use it, and you’re never gonna let it go.
13. More than anything, people can’t put their finger on what’s different about you…
…but you look and feel great — of course they noticed!
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