
12 Beautiful Benefits From Eating Black-Spotted Bananas

The next great superfood isn’t kale or quinoa. No, the next great superfood has been here all along. We just didn’t realize it.You’ve heard the saying that an apple a day will keep the doctor away, but maybe that apple should be replaced by a banana. Who knew they were such nutritional powerhouses?

Best of all, you don’t have to search high and low in specialty stores or source obscure recipes to prepare them. Just pick them up at the local grocery store, pull one off the bunch and go to town!

The crazy thing about bananas is that even if you forget about them and they start to turn brown on the counter, they’re still good. In fact, in some cases those little brown and black dots that speckle ripe bananas can signal even more benefits. Keep an eye out to see when you might want to power up with a spotted banana!

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1. Bananas can banish an upset stomach.

By stimulating the coating mechanism in your stomach lining, bananas shield you from the acids that cause heartburn and upset stomachs.
DeviantArt | zalas

2. Bananas are known to lower blood pressure and the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The potassium in bananas has been shown to reduce stroke risks in women in particular.

3. Below the stomach, bananas help you digest.

With their high fiber content, they’ll also help you manage your cholesterol level – and brown bananas are even easier to digest than yellow bananas.
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4. Just one banana can reduce PMS symptoms and prevent morning sickness.

It’s thank to vitamin B6, which also helps cognitive functions and reduces risks of certain cancers.

5. Eating bananas can help keep depression at bay.

Tryptophan, magnesium, and of course some sweetness will calm your brain and lower your anxiety.

6. Bananas help prevent colds.

It’s not just citrus fruits that pack in vitamin C; bananas have plenty too, and it also reduces inflammation and slows the aging process.
Oscar Ramos | Behance

7. And they can stave off asthma too.

In a victory for respiratory wellness, kids who eat a banana a day display fewer asthma symptoms than those who eat little fruit.
Universal Pictures | Grantland

8. Bananas are brain food.

Our brains crave carbohydrates, potassium, vitamin B6, and magnesium – all of which bananas contain.

9. Bananas get your metabolism in gear.

The key nutrient at work is manganese. Research shows that diets with sufficient manganese lower rates of stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis, and more.
tumblr | comedycentral

10. That also makes bananas an ideal source of energy before exercise.

The potassium reduces muscle fatigue, and dietary copper helps stimulate red blood cell growth. And brown bananas contain more sugar, which means more energy so you can do crunches in bunches.
DeviantArt | Naolito

11. And after the workout, they’ll help you recover as well or better than an energy drink.

Pro tip: eat a black-spotted banana for extra antioxidants to help reduce inflammation.
Alamy | The Guardian

12. Bananas can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The vitamin A in bananas can also protect against chronic disease and some cancers.
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Main image via DeviantArt / Naolito

Collage image via Alamy / The Guardian

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