
11 Simple Exercises That Anyone With Knee Pain Needs to Start Doing!


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If you have aching knees the best medicine for you is exercise. There are many useful exercises that are helpful to stabilize the joint and to reduce the pain. These exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments supporting the knee joints and decrease the chances of injury.

When muscles around the knee joint are strong, they reduce the amount of stress on the joints. To get maximum benefit from these exercises, it is imperative to observe the right technique and follow the instructions correctly.

Exercises for People with Bad Knees

knee pain

1. Warm Ups

Before doing any exercise proper warm up is necessary and this is more important if you have bad knees. When you do warm up exercises before any exercise, the blood to that area improves and the muscle stiffness decreases. These effects make exercise easy and decrease the chances of any injury or muscle sprains.

Before doing any exercises for bad knees, make sure to warm yourself up by doing some brisk walking or static stretches. Around twenty minutes of warm up activity will prepare your knees and your whole body for the more strenuous exercise routines.

2. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best exercises for people with bad knees. When you swim, the effect of gravity is taken out of the equation and there are lesser chances of damage to any aching joint.

To strengthen the knees, you can do a few laps of the pool. All swimming styles are good for knees but avoid any style which hurts your knees. Twenty minutes of swimming is enough.

3. Cycling

When you ride a bike and cycle, your quadriceps, hamstrings and calve muscles are utilized. Cycling makes the knees more stable and puts very less strain on the joints. It is also a very effective way to loose weight. If you have recently had knee joint surgery, you need to take things slowly.

Do not start to cycle till your, physiotherapist gives you clearance. It is better to cycle on a flat surface or to use the exercise cycles in the gym. To protect the knees from any injury avoid cycling on steep or hilly areas.

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